This past weekend Brad, Q and I took a trip down to the Red River Gorge for a short camping trip. We didn't do much besides relax and eat (and read all of Tina Fey's Bossypants in one day), but we had a good time. The gorge has a really beautiful mixture of evergreen trees, hardwoods, ferns, mosses and rhododendrons. It makes for a strange mix of a woods/sub-tropical atmosphere. Scroll down for some pictures!When we put Q's pack on she acts as if she has the weight of the world on her shoulders... then you see her clear a five foot wide creek without getting a drop of water on herself and you don't feel so bad.
The stuffed pepper worked out great! We might have left them in the coals a little too long though. Those red peppers were definitely roasted.
We also got a chance to try out our new (used) $2 yard sale find. It's called a Kelly Kettle and you make a small fire in the bottom, then pour water into the walls of the double walled container and it rapid boils the water. It worked great for our morning coffee!
Yum...bacon and eggs wrapped in a warm flour tortilla. All we needed was some salsa.
I couldn't stop taking pictures of this little caterpillar. This is one of about 15.
The hike out was a little rough...
But Q handled it well.
Brad had to carry her to clear a large boulder.
And that was our trip! Like I said, we didn't do much, but I honestly just like getting away from all of the distractions in my life. What do you guys like to do to get away from it all?
red river gorge